
The maritime industry consist of a large number of different type of businesses and operations. Nordic Fender have a wide range of customers, and depending on the type of operations there will be different requirements from one client to another.

Through our own stock points and offices or with assistance from agent/partner – we are ready to assist 24/7.

STS & bunkering

The world of bunkering is truly a global one, with 1000’s of operations being done on a daily basis. Nordic Fender can support your maritime operations with equipment and services – on time. From one off rental to frame agreements or sales and delivery of complete package. This includes fenders, hoses, rigging gear and transportation.

Read more about our specific products to this segment here.


Most of the main ports around the world is fully equipped with fender systems of some sort. Some though lack proper fendering, or your operation requires a special solution. Maybe more distance from quay is required? Our pneumatic fenders will do the job. See our full range for overview of the different options.

For those looking for new or replacing existing port fender arrangement we can also assist. We supply all sort of profile fenders, such as cylindrical fenders, arch fenders, D fenders etc. For the more complex projects we work with companies manufacturing system fenders, designed for large port and terminals.

Read more about our specific products to this segment here.


Planning can be a tricky when the scope is not clear. Some clients require special solutions and services. Those involved in navy operations will probably agree to such a description, and Nordic Fender are ready to support with prompt and flexible services.

From rental fenders, assistance with mob/demob and special solutions such as hydro pneumatic fenders: Let’s assist you!

Read more about our specific products to this segment here.


Our team is fully prepped to handle any type of project. Typically we see that there is more resources required for project management in offshore projects. From start up to final delivery and operation there is a need for good communication with the client, prompt support and as always everything with a quality based mindset. Read more about our offshore-products here.

Flexibility, availability and prompt service is key for all clients.
Nordic Fender’s team is always ready to assist!